Life Cycle of Puccinia Graminis
Dikaryophase in the
Life Cycle of Puccinia:
This phase in the life
cycle of Puccinia is confined to the primary host which is wheat. It consists
of dikaryotic mycelium and two spore stages, uredineal and telial.
1. Dikaryotic Mycelium:
It is internal and thus
invisible until it is ready to reproduce.The binucleate secondary or dikaryotic
mycelium is filamentous, well developed and branched.
The hyphal
branches, which are septate, ramify in the intercellular spaces of the tissues
of the stem and leaves of the host plant (wheat Fig. 14.14 B). The septal pore
is simple. Each cell contains a pair of nuclei (n+n) constituting a dikaryon.
The nuclear
membrane is double layered and perforated. Besides the two nuclei, the
cytoplasm contains free ribosome, mitochondria, glycogen particles, lipid
bodies and other unidentified particles.
To obtain
nutrition the intercellular hyphae develop intracellular food absorbing organs
called haustoria.
List of important diseases caused by species of
Haustorial Apparatus:
Allen (1923) reported that
the tips of certain hyphae of the inter cellular dikaryotic mycelium come in
contact with the cell walls of the host cells and become separated from the
remainder of the mycelium by septa.
The resultant small, bi-nucleate tip cells swell somewhat and function as haustorial mother cells. At
the point of contact, each haustorial mother cell develops a buldge-like
thickening which is closely appressed to the host cell wall.
A fine pore
appears at the point of contact extending through the cell walls of both the
pathogen and the host. A delicate infection peg from the haustorial mother cell
passes into the host cell through the pore.
penetration, the infection peg elongates to form the haustorial neck. A wall is
formed around it by the fungal pathogen. The plasma membrane of the host
invaginates as the developing neck elongates.
The latter
eventually ceases to elongate. Its apical portion expands to form the body
region of the haustorium. Dickinson (1949, 1955) stated that the formation of
haustoria by the infection hyphae is induced by contact stimulus.
The inter-cellular mycelium probably by enzymatic degradation enters the host cells. The haustoria may be knob-like or finger-like, rarely convoluted. Rykenberg and Truter (1973) reported that the intracellular saccate or extensively lobed body of the haustorium is connected by a narrow penetration tube or the stalk to the extracellular haustorial mother cell.
The hyphal wall and the plasma membrane of the haustorial mother cell are continuous along the entire length of the penetration tube and haustorial body constituting the haustorial wall and haustorial membrane respectively.
A collar-like structure attached to the host cell wall and made of the same material is produced by host cell in response to the presence of the penetration tube. It surrounds the penetration tube at its proximal end.
The haustorial body is bi-nucleate. On the outer face of the hyphal wall or haustorial wall in the body region only is formed an electron dense sheath matrix consisting of a granular amorphous material.
The sheath matrix is also
designated as the extrahaustorial sheath. Since the fungus obtains nutrition
from the host the infected wheat plants exhibit stunted growth.
Despite the
serious damage that the rust causes the host plant never succumbs completely.
The yield of wheat crop is, however, reduced. Each cell of the fungus mycelium
has a pair of nuclei (dikaryon).
The transverse
septa between the cells have each a central pore without a dolipore parenthesome
complex. The clamp connections, however, have not been reported on the
dikaryotic mycelium.
The mycelium is
generally localised. It grows and ramifies near the point of infection
extending only short distance into the host tissue. The fully developed
dikaryotic mycelium enters upon the reproductive phase.
Reproduction in
Puccinia Graminis:
The dikaryotic mycelium of
Puccinia graminis reproduces by sporulation. The spores produced are of two
kinds, the uredospores and the teleutospores or teliospores.
They are
produced near the surface of the host tissues. When mature they break through
in slits or pustules called the sori. The mature spores are thus seen
(a) Uredineal Stage (Fig. 14.14):
Prior to uredospore
formation, the hyphae of the dikaryotic mycelium begin to aggregate near the
surface of the infected organ such as stem, leaf, leaf sheaths or glumes to
form a hyphal mass which surrounds isolated host cells (B).
The mycelial
hyphae then produce masses of cells subepidermally. These are called uredia.
From the uredia arise vertically growing slender, stalk-like hyphae arranged in
a close palisade-like layer.
The tip of each
hyphal stalk or uredospore mother cell swells to form a single binucleate oval
uredospore or uredeniospore. The uredospores are thus formed in groups. Each
such group is called a uredosorus or uredinium (B).
The developing
uredosori are seen in the wheat leaf as pale streaks. They exert pressure on
the overlying epidermis which is, at first, lifted but finally ruptured in the
form of slits or blisters (A).
It is through
these slits that the rusty coloured masses of uredospores are seen externally.
They are stalked, unicellular, oval, binucleate structures (C). In masses the
uredospores appear rusty red in colour.
The uredospore
wall is thick. It is differentiated into three layers: outermost pellicle the
middle exosporium and the inner thin endosporium.
The outermost
layer (pellicle) is faintly echinulate and generally with four equatorially
arranged thin areas on it. These thin areas on the otherwise thick wall are
called the germ pores.
Harder et al
(1986) however, consider the uredospore wall to probably be composed of 5
layers including the pellicle as the outermost layer. The uredospore wall
contains silica deposits.
The binucleate
uredospores function as conidia and are capable of germination as soon as they
are produced. They are carried in the air to healthy wheat plants which they
infect immediately.
The uredospores thus
serve as dispersal agents of rust rapidly multiplying the dikaryophase during
the growing season. However, unlike the conidia of Ascomycetes, the uredospores
are bi-nucleate. They are able to infect wheat plants only and not the alternate
host barberry.
Germination of Uredospores and infection of the host (Fig.
14.15 B-C):
On falling on another wheat
plant and under suitable conditions the uredospore germinates within a few
hours. The endosporium comes out in the form of a slender tube through the germ
pore (B).
More than one
germ tubes may be produced by the same uredospore. They emerge through
different germ pores.
The germ tube by
elongation grows over the surface of the host leaf till it reaches a stoma
where its tip swells to form an appresorium (C). The two nuclei and the
protoplasm of the germ tube migrate into the appresorium.
The appresorium
is then cut off from the empty germ tube by a septum. Both the germ tubes and
the appresoria walls are composed of 2 layers and appear to be coated with
mucilaginous-like substance.
A peg-like
outgrowth, the infection peg arises from the centre of the free end of the
appresorium. It enters the stomatal aperture. Reaching the substomatal cavity
the tip of the infection peg swells up into a vesicle.
The contents of
the appresorium pass through the infection peg into the sub-stomatal vesicle.
Infection hyphae, one or more in number, then develop from the vesicles, grow
towards the neighbouring host cells and ramify in the intercellular spaces
between them.
The hyphae grow
vigorously and form the new dikaryotic mycelium between the mesophyll cells of
the host tissue. In a few days time the new mycelium produces a new crop of
This repeated
cycle recurs several times in a single growing season. As a result the disease
spreads in a few days from plant to plant and field to field over a large area
provided the environmental conditions are favourable.
Temperature and
humidity are the two climatic factors which facilitate infection and thereafter
the development of the dikaryotic mycelium of black stem rust of wheat.
The source of
hymidity may be the dew drops, guttation drop, light rainfall or irrigation
water. In a thin film of water and light intensity below 300 ft C, the optimum
temperature for germination ranges between 15-24°C for penetration and
substomatal vesicle formation 29°C and germ tube growth 20°C.
For maximum
infection a definite sequence of temperature, humidity and sunlight is
(b) Telial Stage (Fig. 14.16):
Late in the growing season
another kind of spore begins to develop from the uredia in the uredosori. It is
the teleutospore. The teleutospores are, at first, developed among the
uredospores in the same sorus (Fig. 14.14 A). They are of dark brown or black
Gradually as the
season progresses more and more teleutospores are produced whereas the number
of uredospores is reduced. Finally the sori contain only the teleutospores (B).
These sori
are called the teleutosori. The teleutospores in the teleutosorus exert
pressure on the overlying epidermis which is at first lifted but finally
ruptured. The black teleutospores are exposed (A).
The cells
of the mycelium producing the teleutospores are called the telia. This stage in
the life cycle in which the teleutospores are produced is called the telial
stage or the black spore stage.
It is considered the
perfect stage of the Uredinales because it is in the teleutospores that
karyogamy and meiosis take place.
teleutospores (Fig. 14.16 C) are black or dark brown, stalked, two-celled,
spindle-shaped structures slightly constricted at the septum.
The black spore
wall is thick and smooth. The free end of the spore may be rounded to slightly
pointed with a thick wall at the apex. There is a single germ pore in the wall
of each cell.
It is at the
apex in the upper cell of the spore and a little below the septum in the lower
cell. Each cell of the teleutospore has two nuclei (one of plus strain and the
other of minus strain).
Unlike the uredospores, the
teleutospores are borne on persistent pedicels and do not germinate
maturation period of teleutospore, karyogamy takes place. The two nuclei in
each cell of teleutospore fuse to form a diploid nucleus.
takes place in the uninucleate diploid condition of the bicelled teleutospore
which represents the reduced diplophase in the life cycle.
After the
harvesting period, mature teleutospores remain dormant on straw, stubble and
out of season self-grown plants in the fields and survive even the severest
winters. After the resting period the teleutospore germinates if the conditions
are favorable.
The conditions
favourable for their germination are high atmospheric humidity, presence of
moisture and freezing condition prior to germination. The teleutospores germinate
to give rise to the basidial stage in the life cycle of Puccinia.
Haplophase in the
Life Cycle of Puccinia Graminis:
Basidial Stage (Fig. 14.17):
After the resting period
and under favourable conditions the teleutospores germinates in situ to produce
the basidial stage in the life cycle. The characteristic structures of this
stage are the basidia and the basidiospores.
The basidium in Puccinia is divisible into three parts namely:
(i) Probasidium
or hypobasidium
(ii) The
epibasidium or metabasidium and
(iii) The
sterigmata which bear the basidiospores.
Each cell of the
teleutospore containing a diploid nucleus represents the probasidium or
hypobasidium. At the time of germination a short, slender hyaline hypha of
limited growth, the promycelium or epibasidium grows out through the germ pore
from each cell (probasidium) of the teleutospore (C).
This is followed
by the migration of the diploid nucleus into the epibasidium. There the diploid
nucleus undergoes two divisions constituting meiosis (C, a). Segregation of
strains takes place.
The four haploid
nuclei thus produced in each epibasidium come to lie at more or less equal
distances. Septa appear between the nuclei dividing the epibasidium into four
uninucleate haploid cells (C, b).
From each of the
three lower epibasidial cells then grows a short narrow tube, the sterigma. The
sterigma usually arises from just below the upper septum of the cell. From the
terminal cell of the epibasidium, the sterigma arises from the apex.
The free tip of
each sterigma swells to form a basidiospore (D, a). In the meanwhile the
haploid nucleus from each epibasidial cell passes up its respective sterigma
into the developing basidiospore.
Two out of the
four basidiospores on each epibasidium are of plus strain and the other two of
minus strain. They are small, nuicellular, uninucleate haploid structures (D,
When mature the
basidiospores are discharged by the water droplet method or spore drop
mechanism with a force into the air. They are carried by wind to the leaves of
alternate host barberry which they infect.
basidiospores remain viable only for a few days. They cannot bring about
infection of wheat and thus perish soon if the suitable (alternate) host is not
Haplophase in the
Life Cycle of Puccinia Graminis:
This phase in
the life cycle is confined to the alternate host Barberry (Berberis vulguris). It starts with the basidiospores.
The haplophase
consists of primary or haplomycelium, and the two spore stages. These are the
spermagonial (also called pycnidial) and aecial (aecidial) stages (Fig. 14.22
1. Haplomycelium:
The basidiospore
germinates (Fig. 14.24) on the leaf of the alternate host (Berberis) provided
the moisture and temperature conditions are suitable. It puts out a germ tube
also called the primary hypha.
The primary
hypha infects the young leaf of the alternate host by piercing through the
epidermis directly. The cuticle of older leaves is too thick to allow
penetration by the delicate germ tube.
Once within the
host tissue it grows vigorously and branches freely to form the primary
mycelium, also called monokaryotic or haplomycelium. The primary mycelium is
septate. Its component cells are uninucleate.
The mycelial
hyphae ramify in the intercellular spaces between the mesophyll cells of the
leaf. They produce haustoria which penetrate the cells of the host tissue and
obtain nutrition for the growth of the mycelium.
It may often
happen that several basidiospores of different strains infect the same Barberis
Naturally the
newly formed haplomycelia will be of two different strains (plus and minus).
They develop side by side. The two strains of mycelia can thus co-exist in the
same leaf.
Even if they are
very close to each other no fusion occurs between them in their early stages of
development. Consequently each mycelium remains haploid for some time. Fusion
may occur later.
2. Spermagonial Stage (Fig.
About four days
after infection the hyphae of the haplomycelium begin to collect beneath the
upper epidermis. They form a dense mat. Small light patches on the upper
surface of the barberry leaf are the external signs of infection at this stage.
From this
mycelial mat arise groups of hyphae which fashion into small, flask-shaped
structures (Fig. 14.18) called spermagonia (also called the pycnidia). The
pycnidia or
spermagonia, like the mycelia from which they arise, are of plus or minus strain.
spermagonia, like the mycelia from which they arise, are of plus or minus strain.
When spermagonia
mature, the infected areas becomes swollen and are seen as small, orange yellow
bumps on the
upper surface of
infected leaf. The spermagonia are sub-epidermal in position.
They are buried in the
mesophyll tissue of the area which gets thickened as a result of the presence
of the fungus mycelium.
spermagonium (Fig. 14.18) consists of a wall surrounding a cavity. It opens on
the upper surface of the host leaf through a small pore called an ostiole.
From the wall of the spermagonium arise three kinds of
Numerous fine,
elongated, uninucleate cells or short hyphae arise from the cells of the wall
(Fig. 14.18). They project into the cavity of the spermagonium and are called
the spermatiophores.
They are closely
packed and arranged in a palisade-like layer lining the cavity. Each
spermatiophore (Fig. 14.19) by successive divisions of its nucleus abstricts at
its free tip a number of small cells one after the other.
These are the
spermatia. Each spermatium has a single nucleus and very little cytoplasm. The
mature spermatia fall into the spermagonial cavity. They are non-motile and
cannot infect either host.
(ii) Periphysis (Fig, 14.18):
They are long, delicate
sterile hyphae which develop near the ostiole from the spermagonial wall. At
first all the periphyses converge towards a central point.
From there they
curve upwards in a cluster towards the ostiole. Finally they project through
and beyond the ostiole end.
Flexuous receptive hyphae (Fig. 14.18):
Adjacent to the ostiole and
below or among the stiffer tapering periphyses, develop another kind of hyphae.
They are slender, delicate, cylindrical with blunt free tips.
Being flexuous
these are named the receptive or flexuous hyphae. They are septate and may be
simple or branched. Each septum has a central pore.
The nature of
spermagonia and spermatia has long been a debatable point. It was in 1927 that
Craigie, Buller and their associates demonstrated that spermatia function as
male cells.
The receptive or
flexuous hyphae are supposed to function as trichogyne hyphae. They develop
late and are spermatised by the spermatia of opposite strain.
Spermatisation (Fig. 14.20):
The mechanism of plasmogamy
in Puccinia is known as spermatisation. The mature spermatia exude from the
ostiole of spermagonium in a drop of sticky, thick liquid called nectar.
The nectar with
its scent and sugary content attracts the insects particularly the flies, to
the leaf. The spermatia stick to the legs and proboscis of the visiting insects
and thus are dispersed from leaf to leaf or from one spermagonium to another on
the same leaf.
By the time the
drop of nectar exudes, the receptive hyphae grow out through the ostiole into
the nectar. These are spermatised by spermatia of opposite strain brought there
by visiting insects (A).
The intervening
walls at the point of contact between the spermatium of one strain and the
receptive hypha of another strain dissolve.
The spermatium
nucleus passes through the opening into the receptive hypha in which it moves
downwards through the pores in the septa.
Finally the
spermatial nucleus reaches the basal cell of the receptive hypha which thus
comes to possess two nuclei which lie side by side in a pair (C). One of these
nuclei is of minus strain and the other of plus strain.
This pair of
nuclei of opposite strain is called a dikaryon. The cell possessing the
dikaryon is said to be diploidised. As a result of spermatisation, the basal
cells of one or more receptive hyphae in the spermagonium become dikaryotised.
From this
account it is evident that the spermatia and the receptive hyphae have taken
over the sole function of sexual reproduction in which plasmogamy takes place
by spermatisation.
Dikaryotisation may
also occur when haploid hyphae of two mycelia of opposite strain come into
3. Aecidial or Aecial Stage (Fig.
14.21 A-B):
The haplomycelium, which
has built up spermagonia beneath the upper epidermis, has in the meanwhile
penetrated the entire leaf and reached its lower surface. There the mycelial
hyphae accumulate and form spherical masses of uninucleate cells.
These are called the
aecidial or aecial primordia. The aecidial primordia or protoaecidia lie singly
in the substomatal chambers or in the intercellular spaces beneath the lower
epidermis just opposite the spermagonia on the upper surface.
The basal cells
of aecidial cups on the lower surface; B, The same enlarged surface. The basal
cells of aecidial primordia become binucleate. How this takes place is not
The most
prevalent view is that the spermatial nuclei from the basal cells of the
receptive hyphae pass into the wall cells of the spermagonium (pycnidium). From
there they migrate into the hyphae of the haplomycelium.
In the mycelial
hyphae they travel passing down through the septal perforations. Finally these
spermatial nuclei reach the cells of the basal layer of the aecial primordia
which thus become binucleate.
These binucleate cells of
the basal layer are called the aecidiospore mother cells. They divide producing
alternately aecidiospores and intercalary cells (Fig. 14.22 B).
Development of aecidiospores
(Fig. 14.22 B):
At the time of aecidiospore
formation, the binucelate aecidiospore mother cell increases in length. The two
nuclei in it divide conjugately. A small daughter cell is then cut off at its
terminal end.
Two of the
nuclei remain in the aecidiospore mother cell and the other two pass into the
daughter cell. The daughter cell increases in size and divides into two, upper
bigger binucleate aecidiospore or aeciospore cell and the lower smaller
binucleate sterile disjunctor or intercalary cell.
aecidiospore mother cell undergoes a series of such divisions. In this way
closely packed chains of cells are formed at the tips of the aecidiospore mother
The oldest cell
is at the top of the chain and the youngest adjacent to the tip of the
aecidiospore mother cell.
In the meantime the
marginal cells at the base of the young aecidium divide repeatedly to form a
wall which completely surrounds the cells in the aecidium. This wall is called
the peridium.
As the aecidia
mature the chains of cells grow up. As a result of this, pressure is exerted
from within. At first the overlying lower epidermis ruptures and then the
aecidium splits open to form a cup-like structure (Fig. 14.22 A).
The aecidial cup
is partly within the leaf tissue and partly projects above it. The torn roof of
the peridium often forms a lip around the edge of the aecidial cup. By this
time the intercalary cells have disorganised.
aecidiospores in the chains become separated from each other and fill up the
aecidial cup (Fig. 14.22 A). The aecidiospores filling the cup are now exposed.
They are, at
first, polyhedral, thin-walled, unicellular binucleate structures which are
orange coloured. The polyhedral spores absorb water, round off suddenly and
thus are jerked out of the aecidium to be disseminated by the wind.
The epispore may
be smooth or echinulate and has one or more germ pores. The aecidiospores are
unable to germinate on the host (Barberry) on which they are produced.
Germination of Aecidiospore:
The binucleate
aecidiospores are carried by air currents to the primary host (wheat) on which
they germinate under suitable conditions.
At the time of
germination the aecidiospore puts out a germ tube or primary hypha which
emerges through the germ pore. The germ tube crawls over the surface of the
wheat leaf and finds its way into the host generally through a stoma.
On reaching the
stoma the tip of the germ tube swells up to form an appresorium and a vesicle
in the substomatal cavity. From the vesicle arise hyphae which grow
They branch and
form an extensive dikaryotic mycelium. It is chiefly intercellular. Only
haustoria enter the host cells. The mycelium soon begins to form masses of
uredospores and repeats the life cycle.
Life Cycle Pattern of Puccinia Graminis:
It is evident
from the account given in the preceding pages that five different types of
spores are produced in a single cycle of Puccinia.
1. Spermatia
(uninucleate) in spermagonia on Barberry.
2. Aecidiospores
(binucleate) in aecidia on Barbarry.
3. Uredospores
(binucleate) on the dikaryotic mycelium on wheat.
4. Teleutospores
(binucleate) on the dikaryotic mycelium on wheat.
5. Basidiospores
(uninucleate) on epibasidia.
The rusts thus
have a polymorphic life cycle because of the presence of different types of
spores in the life cycle. These spore forms are produced in a regular sequence.
The sequence is controlled by inherent internal factors.
It is never
reversed. Because of this long life cycle the rust, in which all the five spore
stages are produced, is called macrocyclic or long cycled rust. The best
example of this is Puccinia graminis tritici.
There are,
however, examples of rusts in which the life cycle is generally reduced. This
is accomplished by dropping out from the life cycle some of the spore types.
Such a life cycle is said to be microcyclic and the rusts are called
microcyclic or short cycled rusts.
All the wheat
rusts in India have been reported to be short cycle rusts. The haplophase which
is ordinarily passed on the alternate host is altogether absent. There are no
Barberry bushes or Mahonia plants in the plains.
The spermagonial
or aecidial stages found on Barberry and Mahonia in the Indian hills have been
found to have no connection with the wheat rust in the plains. The wheat rust
in the plains, therefore, produces only two types of spores, the uredospores
and the teleutospores.
Recurrence of
Wheat Rust in the Plains of India. The black stem rust of wheat is a short
cycled rust in India. The part of the life cycle involving the alternate host
Barberry is cut out. It thus produces only uredospores and teleutospores.
The latter have
lost power of germination. The uredospores cannot withstand the high
temperature of summer months in the plains. There is thus no inoculum left in
the fiels to infect the next wheat crop.
How does then
the disease reoccur every year in the plains with equal vigour? Till recently
Mehta’s hypothesis (1952, 1954) that the primary inoculum of black rust of
wheat is introduced in the plains from the Himalayas in the North and Nilgiri
and Pulney hills in the South held the sway.
According to Mehta’s
hypothesis, at the higher altitudes (3,000-7,000 ft), the uredospores can over
summer in the congenial temperature on self-sown plants, out of season crops,
tillers and possibly on grasses.
The surviving
uredospores serve as primary inoculum for the next wheat crop near or at the
foothills. From there the infection spreads. The uredospores are blown by wind
from the infected plants in the foothills to the healthy wheat plants in the
investigations of Joshi et al (1971-1974)
and other workers do not support Mehta’s hypothesis so far as the role of
Himalayas is involved.
They hold that
the spring movement of black stem rust uredospores is from the South to North
as is the general pattern of movement of black rust in most countries of Northern
They argue that
in the hills of Northern India, low temperature conditions prevailing during
November to February are unfavourable for sporulation, infection, establishment
and spread of the disease.
Rust pustules
become inactive at low temperature (below 14°C). When the conditions become
favourable in the month of March, there is very little time left for its spread
as the wheat plants reach maturity.
In their view
the principal source of infection of black stem rust of wheat in the plains of
North is the dissemination of inoculum from the South and Central India.
The inoculum in
the Himalayas is considered to be reintroduced from the plains in spring first
in the foothills, then the lower elevations and finally at higher elevations.
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